
Acid Test

The expression Acid Test, also known as quick ratio, is an indicator of liquidity of a very short term that seeks to evaluate the company’s capacity to cope with its short term financial compromises using only their net financial resources, this is, without the need of existences sales or debt receipts from clients and other […]

Alderfer Needs Theory

Alderfer Needs Theory Presentation Also known as ERG Theory (Existence, Relatedness and Growth), Alderfer Needs Theory, developed by Clayton Alderfer, is one of the several theories that seek to explain human motivations through the needs satisfaction. In many aspects very similar to Maslow’s Needs Theory, Alderfer Needs Theory also explains the employees motivation according to […]

Argyris Maturity Theory

Argyris Maturity Theory Presentation: Argyris Maturity Theory, presented by Chris Argyris in Personality and Organization, is one of the many theories that…

Bureaucracy Theory

Bureaucracy Theory: The term Bureaucracy was used, for the first time, by Max Weber to describe a culture and structure of company firmly…

Crawford Free Writing Technique

Crawford Free Writing Technique Concept: Crawford Free Writing Technique is a decision taking method similar to Nominal Group Technique…

Fairness Theory

Fairness Theory Presentation: Fairness Theory, usually attributed to J. Stacy Adams, is one of the various theories about motivation…

General Systems Theory

General Systems Theory Presentation: General Systems Theory (GST) is an interdisciplinary theory, developed by Ludwing von Bertalanffy…

Gordon/Little Group Technique

Gordon/Little Group Technique Concept: Gordon/Little Group Technique has as goals to help a certain group to formulate innovative…

Hersery and Blanchard Situational Theory

Hersery and Blanchard Situational Theory Presentation: Hersery and Blanchard Situational Theory (or Model), developed by Paul Hersery and…

Herzeberg Two Factors Theory

Herzeberg Two Factors Theory Presentation Two Factors Theory (or Model) from the authorship of Frederick Herzberg seeks to explain the reasons that influence the peoples’ work in the organizations. In this model, Herzberg distinguishes two types of factors which influence the employees’ motivation – hygienic factors and motivator factors: Hygienic Factors: Only influence motivation negatively […]

Human Relations Theory

Human Relations Theory Presentation: Human Relations Theory is a management theory, included in the Behavioral School founded by…

Information Technologies

Information Technologies Concept: The expression Information Technologies (IT) can be defined as a group of products or services…

IRR (Internal Rate of Return)

IRR (Internal Rate of Return) Concept: Internal Rate of Return (IRR) represents the profitability generated by a certain investment (a lot used with one of…

Leadership Behavioral Theory

Leadership Behavioral Theory Presentation: In this theory, seeks to arrive to the definition of leadership through the observation of the…

Lewin Field Theory

Lewin Field Theory Presentation: Lewin Field Theory (in which “field” is defined as the total coexistence of facts that are conceived as…

McClelland Needs Theory

McClelland Needs Theory Presentation: Developed in the decade of 60 of the past century by David McClelland, McClelland Needs Theory is…

Tableau de Bord

Tableau de Bord Concept The French expression “Tableau de Bord”, designates a management control instrument where is usually made the comparison between a certain desired value and the value effectively realized, allowing this way the evaluation of deviations referent to goals set out. Tableau de Bord can be built for any management areas as long […]

Taguchi Compliance Graphic

Taguchi Compliance Graphic Concept Taguchi Compliance Graphic consists on a method created by the Japanese statistic Genichi Taguchi and places the emphasis on the comparative analysis of the distribution variations of a certain product or piece as to its specific techniques. Beyond allowing the produced pieces compliance analysis as to specifications, this method allows to […]

Target Costing

Target Costing Concept The expression Target Costing designates a cost reduction process in the development and design phase of a new product differing, therefore, from the costs control system of the traditional costs which occurs only in the production phase. The reason for this process to occur in this phase is due to the fact […]


Taylorism Concept Taylorism is an expression created to designate a group of ideas and management principles created in the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century by the North American engineer Frederick Taylor. Taylorism, that was also known as Scientific Management Theory or Work Scientific Organization, has as great goal to […]

Team Building

Team Building Concept: The Anglo-Saxon expression Team Building designates a wide list of activities generally performed in outdoor format with…

Team Spirit

Team Spirit Concept: The expression team spirit designates a group of elements on which lies a team and distinguishes…

Technical Skills

Technical Skills Concept Technical skills represent deep knowledge, at the level of methods, processes and procedures of the activities developed in the organization or the department that each directs; represent also the energy and readiness for the quick performance of tasks, the pragmatism and self control for the resolution of urgent, confuse and complex problems. […]

Technological Context

Technological Context Concept: Technological concept designates a group of contextual variables with influence in performance and…


Telemarketing Concept: Telemarketing is a form of direct marketing and can be defined as a marketing tool that through…

The Art of War

Presentation of the Book “Art of War” Written in the 4th century BC, nearly 2.500 years ago, by Sun Tzu, a Chinese general and strategist, the book “Art of War” continues still today to be admired as a lessons source in the strategy area. In fact, many consider “Art of War” as the origin if […]

The Principles of Scientific Management

The Principles of Scientific Management Presentation The Principles of Scientific Management, written by the North American engineer Frederick W. Taylor in 1911, has an extreme relevance in management as a knowledge course. In fact, Taylor’s work had the merit of being the first to look at management as a separate activity and perfectly identifiable. In […]

The Third Wave (Book)

The Third Wave Presentation The Third Wave, written by the North American futurist Alvin Tofler in 1980, describes a new world order: post-industrial society, to which Tofler called the “Third Wave”, which emerges after the industrial society (the “Second Wave”), which had been preceded by the agriculture society (the “First Wave”). The great news of […]

Tofler, Alvin

Alvin Tofler Biography: Alvin Tofler is an important author, known as one of the greater futurists in the management area. Beyond the several…

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total Quality Management Concept Total Quality Management (TQM), corresponds to a kind of management characterized by the permanent search to introduce gradual and continuous improvements in the already existent processes and procedures, looking always towards quality excellence. Generally, involves the participation of all organization members and it’s based on the assumption that the organization is […]

Traces Theory

Traces Theory Presentation: Traces theory is a leadership model (or perspective) according to which leadership is…


Trainee Concept: The term Trainee designates, in the management scope, a kind of position inside and organizations’ hierarchic structure…


Training Concept: The term Training means the acquisition of knowledge and skills resultant from training courses undertaken for this purpose…


The English term turnover designates, in the human resources management context, the personnel rotation rate as to (…)

Update or Discount Rate

Update or Discount Rate Concept The update rate concept (also known as discount rate) is associated to the companies’ appreciation, of business and investment projects, being the rate applied to the future income or cash-flows as a way to obtain its current value. Being indifferently used as update rate of future incomes or as capitalization […]

Vroom Expectations Theory

Vroom Expectations Theory Presentation: Developed by the psychologist Victor Vroom, Vroom Expectations Theory is one of the many…

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