360º Evaluation Concept: 360º Evaluation consist on an important tool of Human Resources Management used for the performance evaluation of the…
Concept of Admeasurement: The Admeasurement is a measurement procedure (metrological) that it takes place the control of measuring instruments…
Asch Experiments Concept: Asch Experiments, developed by Solomon Asch, consists of a meeting with groups of seven or eight people to…
Business Ethics Concept: Even though it’s not identical, business ethics concept (or management ethics) emerges strictly related with the organizations…
Contextual Surroundings Concept: Contextual surroundings refers to a group of elements external to the organization but…
Crawford Free Writing Technique Concept: Crawford Free Writing Technique is a decision taking method similar to Nominal Group Technique…
E-Commerce Concept: The term E-Commerce, designates the purchase and sale of products or services when the…
EBIT Concept EBIT (acronym of the English expression “earnings before interest and taxes”), also designated by operational result, is a financial-economical indicator that seeks to evaluate the company’s capacity to generate results from its operational activity. For that, the costs are purged from the results (and eventually profits) that are not related with the company’s […]
EBITDA Concept EBITDA (acronym of the English expression “earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization”), also designated as operational cash-flow, is a financial-economical indicator that seeks to evaluate the company’s capacity in auto financing new investments and cope with the charges with the debts, through its operational activity. Likewise, allows to evaluate the potential of […]
Economic and Financial Analysis Concept The expression Economic and Financial Analysis designates a kind of analysis performed to the companies and that seeks to answer to two fundamental questions: Up until what point the company has the financial means adequate to its operational and investment needs or what its capacity of obtaining them as a […]
Economic Context Concept: Economic context designates a group of contextual variables with influence in the performance and…
Ellsworth Financial Policies Analysis Model was developed by Richard Ellsworth based on his studies about financial policies while a professor at Harvard Business School and in his previous experience as treasurer at Kaiser Aetna. The model’s aim is to improve the integration of financial policies and organizational strategy, increase the capacity of financial policy response […]
Empowerment Concept The term empowerment means the decentralization of powers by the various hierarchic levels of the organization, which allows a creation of more motivation on the employees provided by a bigger freedom of initiative, with natural benefits for the organizations as a whole. Passes through the authority delegation to a certain individual or group […]
Endomarketing Concept: The term Endomarketing, which means “inward” or internal marketing, designates a kind of marketing realized by a series of tools and…
Enterprise Concept: Enterprise is a specific kind of organization that is characterized by the fact that its ultimate aim is its profits maximization…
Enterprise Anorexia Concept: Enterprise Anorexia is an expression created by Gary Hamel and by C. K. Prahalad in “Competing for the Future” to…
ERNST Growth/Liquidity Analysis Model Concept: ERNST Growth/Liquidity Analysis Model was developed by Harry Ernst from the North American…
Ethic Levels Concept Ethic decisions and behaviors cannot be understood nor evaluated at only one level, but in a wider context. There are four levels that can be used to diagnose and consider ethic questions on an ethic values system: Social, Legal, Organizational and Individual levels. Social Level: as we have seen before, currently and […]
Ethic Profitability Concept: The expression Ethic Profitability was created to try to demonstrate that exist direct profits…
Ethics Tools Concept: If we think in ethic as a moral science, to perform with ethic, it’s enough to respect the moral rules prevailing in…
Executive Writing Concept: The expression Executive Writing refers to a specific communication channel used in entrepreneurial/organizational…
Experience Economies Concept: Experience economies represent earnings, in terms of production costs, that the organizations obtain…
External Analysis Concept: External Analysis or analysis of the external surroundings consists on an evaluation of several…
External Surroundings Concept: The expression external surroundings designates the whole group of variables external to the…
According to IAS – International Accounting Standards, the financial statements are a structured representation of the financial position and financial performance of an entity. The objective of general purpose financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of […]
Hawthorne Experiments Concept: Hawthorne experiments were a study performed by Elton Mayo between 1924 and 1932…
Management Behavioral School Concept: The emerging of Behavioral School is a direct consequence of the Classic School limitations concerning…
Management Classic School Concept Management Classic School is thus called for being the first management school to emerge and to produce a specific literature dedicated to the organizations in general and companies in particular. It’s with the Classic School that are established some of the principles in which still today relies management, among which: authority […]
Market Study Concept The expression market study (generally consider as synonym of market search) designates a group of actions overlooking the data and information collection and analysis about the market in which the company takes action and/or intends to act. With these market studies companies seek not only to find opportunities and effective and/or potential […]
The expression Marketing Strategy designates a group of marketing goals and plans, policies and actions developed to (…)
Organizational Structure Concept: The Organizational Structure is the connection link between the organizations’ strategic guidelines and…
Scale Economies Concept: Scale economies represent earnings, in terms of production costs, that the organizations obtain…
Team Spirit Concept: The expression team spirit designates a group of elements on which lies a team and distinguishes…
Presentation of the Book “Art of War” Written in the 4th century BC, nearly 2.500 years ago, by Sun Tzu, a Chinese general and strategist, the book “Art of War” continues still today to be admired as a lessons source in the strategy area. In fact, many consider “Art of War” as the origin if […]
The expression Value Engineering designates a systematic process of product analysis, service or project, centered on a (…)