

Kaisen Concept: Kaisen is an expression used to define the Japanese model (or philosophy) of quality management and that means…

Kaisen Costing

Kaisen Costing Concept: The expression Kaisen Costing designates a support system to the cost reduction process during…


Kanban Concept: Kanban is a Japanese expression with its origin in the cards used in Japanese companies to ask for components to other…

Katz and Kahn Social System

Katz and Kahn Social System Concept: Daniel Katz and Robert Kahn were two of the main investigators of the management…


Keiretsu Concept: Keiretsus’, Japanese term that means economic rows are business groups whose companies that integrate…

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Key Performance Indicators (KPI), also designated by Key Success Indicators (KSI), are financial and non financial measures…


Know-How Concept: The term Know-How is used to designate a technique, knowledge or a capacity developed by an organization or…

Knowledge Society

Knowledge Society Concept: Since a few decades has been verified a more accentuated tendency for transformation, and…

Kohlberg Moral Development Model

Kohlberg Moral Development Model Presentation: Kohlberg moral development model can be used to explore questions referent to the way how…

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