
Confidentiality Agreement

Confidentiality Agreement Concept: A confidentiality agreement is a legal contract that protects the rights of a company in the cases in which some of their confidential…

conflict of interests

Conflict of interests are situations in which the position of a determined agent does not allow him to comply with full rigor and exemption the tasks entrusted to him by third parties.


Consortium Concept: Consortium concept consist in a group of two or more entities (could be companies or other type…

Contextual Surroundings

Contextual Surroundings Concept: Contextual surroundings refers to a group of elements external to the organization but…

Contextual Variables

Contextual Variables Concept: In management terms, are considered as contextual variables all elements not controlled by the…

Contingency Management Approach

Contingency Management Approach Concept: Contingency Approach (or Contingency Theory) emerged, together with Systemic Approach…

Contribution Margin

Contribution Margin Concept: Contribution margin corresponds to the amount by which a company’s income exceeds its variable costs…


Coopetition Concept: Coopetition is a recent creation concept, formed due to the junction of the words competition and cooperation, and means to…


Coordination Concept: Coordination is not more than the integration process of the several activities developed in each department of the organization, as a…

Core Competence

Core Competence Concept: Core competence concept emerged for the first time in 1990, on Harvard Business Review, in an article entitled “The Core…

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