Endomarketing Concept: The term Endomarketing, which means “inward” or internal marketing, designates a kind of marketing realized by a series of tools and…
Garfield Principles Concept: Garfield Principles for Clients Rotation Reduction were developed by Maynard M. Garfield and rely in the…
Graphic Standards Manual Concept: Graphic standards manual is a document that contains a group of rules and recommendations that…
Hendon Negotiation Tactics Model Hendon Negotiation Tactic Model corresponds to a group of negotiation tactics identified and developed by professor Hendon at the University of Hawaii. These tactics should be used in the distributive negotiation, in which the aim is “split the cake” and the question is to be who will take the bigger piece. […]
Market Segmentation Concept Market segmentation consists on an analyses and identification process of groups of clients with homogeneous needs and preferences or with some homogeneity level. Through the segmentation process, the market is divided in groups of clients with similar needs and preferences (the called market segments), allowing that the company better adapts its marketing […]
Market Skimming Concept The English expression market skimming designates a price strategy based on the maintenance of high prices as a way to position the company or a product at the top of the market. With a high prices level, only small market clusters with bigger purchase power, can have access. On the other hand, […]
Market’s Corner Concept A Market’s Corner corresponds to a market’s segment built by a reduced number of consumers with homogeneous characteristics and needs and easily identifiable. Due to its small size, the market’s corners are usually neglected by big companies, being, hence, excellent opportunities for the small companies that by this can escape the domain […]
Marketing Concept Most people, when think about marketing, thinks generally in the 4 P’s of mix-marketing. However, the meaning of the term Marketing is much wider and designates an entire approach (or orientation) of the market which focuses in the identification of the client’s needs and preferences. Based on the information about these needs and […]
The expression Marketing Strategy designates a group of marketing goals and plans, policies and actions developed to (…)
Marketing-mix Concept: Marketing-mix (or 4 P’s Model) is referent to the definition of the main variables of marketing action and…