The cell lysis is the process of destruction or dissolution of the cell caused by the rupture in the plasma membrane (…)
Cholera toxin is a protein secreted by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and responsible for the main symptom of cholera, an acute diarrhoea.
GFP – Green Fluorescent Protein, is the first naturally fluorescent protein that has been identified. Its discovery has revolutionized the life sciences.
Interferons are important components of the immune system that trigger cellular defences in response to infection by viruses or bacteria and tumour formation (…)
Robert Koch was a physician and one of the founders of microbiology. He contributed to the understanding of the communicable diseases etiology…
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de, was a notable naturalist and one of the first proponents of a theory of evolution or transformism…
Microbiology is the branch of biology that studies the organisms of microscopic dimensions – micro-organisms – and includes Virology, bacteriology, (…)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the etiologic agent of tuberculosis discovered in 1882 by Robert Koch and, as such, it is also called Koch’s bacillus.