
Genre (art)

In the artistic context, the genre can be defined as a main style, that clusters a wide range of similar characteristics, and that allows to classify and distinguish different art productions that share a common base. Whether in music, literature, painting, cinema, sculpture, or any other art, the division by genre can be made regarding […]


Gongorism, also known as Culteranismo, is a literary style created in the XVII by the Spanish poet Luis de Góngora y Argote, from whom this specific style was named after. This form of writing, used mainly in poetry but also in some prose texts, was a huge trend throughout the XVII and XVIII centuries in […]

A Knoow é uma enciclopédia colaborativa e em permamente adaptação e melhoria. Se detetou alguma falha em algum dos nossos verbetes, pedimos que nos informe para o mail para que possamos verificar. Ajude-nos a melhorar.