“Baltasar and Blimunda” (“Memorial do Convento” in the original Portuguese version) is a book written by Portuguese José Saramago, that was published in 1982. The story follows the construction of Mafra Palace and Convent, whose construction was ordered by the king D. João V in 1717, as a payment of a promise he made before […]
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti was an important Italian writer and political activist, and he is considered one of the founders of the Futurism Movement. Born on the 22nd December 1876, Filippo spent his childhood in Alexandria, in Egypt, together with his parents Enrico Marinetti and Amalia Grolli, who were consultants in Law for foreign companies in […]
A metaphor is a figure of speech mostly used to make a comparison by using figurative elements that allows readers to apprehend the conveyed meaning. A metaphor can be easily distinguished of a comparison by the lack of the use of direct comparative term (for example, “like” or “as”), and also because it establishes a […]