PDCA Cycle

PDCA Cycle Concept: PDCA Cycle (acronym of the English terms Plan, Do, Check and Act), also known as Deming Cycle as a tribute to…

PDCA Concept

PDCA Cycle (acronym of the English terms Plan, Do, Check and Act), also known as Deming Cycle as a tribute to its author, Edward Deming, is an important management and quality control tool with the purpose to better the organizational processes, either being management or manufacturing of products or services.

The PDCA Cycle application is extremely simple, should be made in continuous and spiral form. The cycle is initiated with the planning (plan), in which are established the goals to achieve or identified the problem to solve. In this planning should also be defined the action plan, with all of the action to be developed. Follows the second step of the cycle: the doing (do), this is, execute what was planned. The third step consists in the periodic verification or measurement (check) of the executed actions and the obtained results, comparing them with the aims or goals initially defined. At last, the fourth and last step refers to the action (act) according to the evaluation conclusions, such action can lead to improvement of the execution form or even reformulation of plans, thus resuming the cycle.

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