
Delegation Concept: Delegation represents the transfer of a certain authority level of a superior to a subordinate or a group of…

Delegation Concept

Delegation represents the transfer of a certain authority level of a superior to a subordinate or a group of subordinates. Know how to delegate with effectiveness means to give the right task to the right person, granting a correct degree of freedom, in order that the job be developed in a more efficient and productive way. Know how to delegate allows the superior and all his team to give their best and progressively perfect themselves, in order to be able to face new challenges. With a small delegation capacity, the team is constantly busy “putting out fires” and loses precious time.

Delegation advantages:

  • Manager’s time profitability
  • Quickness in actions and decisions taking
  • Allows training and personal development
  • Increases motivational level
  • Leads to better decisions and bigger work quality
  • Allows performing more complex tasks

Delegation Disadvantages

  • Probability of control loss
  • Can be a disaster if the person or team to who is delegated doesn’t have enough capacities
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