Argyris, Chris

Chris Argyris Biography

Born on July 16, 1923 in the United States of America, Chris Argyris is considered as one of the biggest worldwide authorities in the field of organizational behavior. He was the pioneer of the learning organizations’ concept, later made popular by Peter Senge, such concept that describes an organization in constant learning.

In his first jobs, Chris Argyris explored the impact of organizational structures and the management and control systems of the individuals in the performance and operation of the organization self. Later he begins to dedicate to the organizational change study, specially the behavior study of managers inside the organizations. Recently, Argyris has guided his jobs for the study of learning either of the individuals; either of the organization and which way the human reason is the basis for the action.



  • Behind the front page. Jossey Bass 1974
  • Organizacional Learning (1978), with Donald Schon
  • Reasoning, learning and action. Jossey Bass 1982
  • Action science. Jossey Bass 1985
  • Interating the individual and the organization. Transaction Pub 1990
  • Overcoming organizational defenses. Allyn and Bacon 1990
  • Theory in practice. John Willy 1992
  • Knowledge for action: a guide to overcoming. John Willy 1993
  • COOPER, Cary. Concise Blackwell encyclopedia of management. Blackwell UK 1998
  • Flawed advice and the management trap. Oxford USA Trade, 1999
  • On organization learning. Blackwell UK, 1999
  • The Blackwell encyclopedia of management. Blackwell UK. 2004
  • Reasons and rationalizations. Oxford UK, 2004
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