Ansoff Mold

Ansoff Mold Concept: Ansoff Mold, created by Igor Ansoff is a support model to the strategic planning, based on the business expansion and…

Ansoff Mold Concept

Ansoff Mold, created by Igor Ansoff is a support model to the strategic planning, based on the business expansion and diversification through a sequence of decisions. In the base of the model are the analysis and deviations concepts – difference between the expected and the performed – and synergy – use of the combined skills of two departments or companies.

According to Adriano Freire, the organization’s choices referent to products and markets development can assume two types, namely:

  • expansion or reduction of the number of products and services offered;
  • expansion or reduction of the market segments served;

These two strategic options can be synthesized in Igor Ansoff’s mold according to which an organization can chose between:

  • Market Penetration: the organization continues to operate in the same segments and with the products/services but tries to increase its sales volume through the increase of the market share and/or frequency of use.
  • Product Length: the organization develops new products/services or increases the range of the already existent, but directed to the same market segments.
  • Market Length: the organization seeks to serve new market segments, but with the same products/services that already offered.
  • Diversification: the organization creates new products/services for new market segments using technological and/or commercial synergies.
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