
Although, at first, it may not seem that way, the seahorse is a fish. Its body has a peculiar shape and its head has resembles the head of a horse. Another curious feature is the way they swim, with the body almost upright, driven by quick movements of the dorsal fin. Its body is covered with bony plates that provide protection.

There are dozens of species of seahorses. These animals live in coastal areas, usually in calm waters in tropical and temperate seas. They usually inhabit areas with corals and/or algae im abundance, since they camouflage there and might even get hooked to the corals and algae by their prehensile tail. This camouflage is provided by the colours of seahorses (identical to the colours of corals and algae) and the fact that they often remain still, or just sway gently, following the movements of the algae.

Seahorses feed on plankton, capturing it by suction, which is favoured by the tubular shape of their nose.


The mating season occurs in Spring and Summer. Males court females until they choose their partner. After mating, the female lays eggs in a ventral pouch present in the male’s body. The male is responsible for taking care of the eggs during their incubation, until hatching occurs. At that time tiny seahorses can be seen leaving the pouch of their parent.


Seahorses have been captured in large quantities, for several different uses – from decorative to medicinal purposes. These animals are also very sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. This led to significant decreases in the number of individuals in some populations. Some species of seahorses are currently protected and strategies for their conservation have been developed.


– LEANDRO, P.; GIL, F.; INÁCIO, A. (2009). Guia – Aquário Vasco da Gama. Oeiras: Aquário Vasco da Gama.

– MONTEIRO, C.; Cavalos-marinhos, peixes inesperados.
Available: Last accessed: 10/6/2015

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