Cinema and theater

Almodóvar, Pedro

Considered one of the most controversial film-makers of all times, Pedro Almodóvar was born in Spain in the 50’s. His birth date is unknown, and has been intentionally hidden by the director, with unknown reason. The same somewhat irrational and inexplicable logic is one of the most distinctive characteristics of his work. Almodóvar comes from […]


The plot, or storyline, can be generally described as the total of facts that form a story, being because of that an inherent part of any narrative, whether in literature, theatre or cinema. The plot is therefore the development of the action, the story being told, the connection between all of the parts that constitute […]


Prolepsis, or flash forward, is a narrative technique to which an author resorts to describe events that occur in a period of time that corresponds to the future of the present time of the story. The utilization of this technique is very common both in literature and cinema, and it can be used in theatre […]


Within the audiovisual and show industry, a prop can be defined as an object that is used in movies, series or theatre plays, and that is an essential part of the set, making it more real; sometimes a prop can even have an important role for the narrative. The props are essential and indispensable for […]

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