Team Building

Team Building Concept: The Anglo-Saxon expression Team Building designates a wide list of activities generally performed in outdoor format with…

Team Building Concept

The Anglo-Saxon expression Team Building designates a wide list of activities generally performed in outdoor format with the aim to promote the team spirit and, through this path, improve the work teams’ performance. The Team Buildings activities may go from simple exercises to more complex simulations or even retreats through a few days in which are made several games of group dynamics.

It’s common that people who work in the same company, side by side, little know each other when placed before challenges that require interaction and mutual cooperation, beyond the habitual routine. It’s also proved that the construction of articulated and integrated work processes goes by the deepening of the social links and the knowledge of virtues and faults of each one. This aim is more easily achieved in an entertaining activity outside of the company, where prevails an informal and relaxed environment. On the other hand, Team Building contributes to break the ice among people, decompress, thrill and motivate, which is reflected in the productivity and attitude in the individual and team work.

To be efficient, the Team Building activities should have a strongly emotional content. However, must be taken into attention that the entertaining-emotional component is only a learning facilitator, being fundamental to guarantee the pedagogical and professional component.

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