SODA – Strategic Options Development and Analysis

SODA – Strategic Options Development and Analysis: SODA is the acronym for the English expression Strategic Options Development and Analysis and…

SODA – Strategic Options Development and Analysis

SODA is the acronym for the English expression Strategic Options Development and Analysis and designates a methodology based on a theoretical framework focusing mainly in the personal construct theory, also considering the organizational behavior and that has as goal to support the Decision Taking Process, helping to deal with complex problems through a qualitative shaping which allows to explore the different visions about the problem, determine important points, lead to discussion, and obtain the commitment of the people involved around the recommended actions. The model serves as a “facilitative” device of the problem’s resolution process, being able to be used as a tool for the actions planning and monitoring. This methodology, when applied to groups, lies on the following principle “people try to give sense to the environment around them, through the comparison and in the contrast of new experiences with the one already lived with the purpose to predict and consequently manage their future”.

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