
Reengineering Concept: Reengineering, concept introduced by James Champy and Michael Hammer through the bestseller “Reengineering the Corporation” published in…

Reengineering Concept

Reengineering, concept introduced by James Champy and Michael Hammer through the bestseller “Reengineering the Corporation” published in 1993, consists in radically rethinking and redrawing the nuclear practices and processes of the organization such as the client’s service, the development of new products, organizational culture, orders’ response, among others, in order to raise the productivity through the cost reduction and the raise of the clients’ satisfaction level.

Unlike TQM (Total Quality Management), Reengineering doesn’t seek to introduce improvements in already existent processes but rather the elimination and total reinvention of the rules and processes already overcome as well as all fundamental assumptions that serve as base. Hence results another key difference of the Reengineering compared to TQM: while TQM has a high level of the subordinates’ participation and aims the obtainment of results on a time extent, reengineering departs from up to down (from the managers to the subordinates) and aims to obtain results on a short period.

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