
Ombudsman Concept: The term Ombudsman, synonym of prosecutor, provider, trustee, representative, deputy, drifts from a…

Ombudsman Concept

The term Ombudsman, synonym of prosecutor, provider, trustee, representative, deputy, drifts from a term used the Germanic medieval tribes to designate a group of people whose duty was to collect fines from the regretful accused and distribute the money obtained by the families of the correspondent victims. However, it was in Sweden, in the 18th century, which, by order of Carlos II, was created an office destined to guarantee the obedience of the law, by the public employees, such office to which was given the designation of Ombudman.

After the term generalized at a worldwide level, beginning to designate the person or organism that receives, analyses, internally integrates and answers to the complaints and suggestions of clients, users and other internal and external stockholders of the organization. Its main mission consists in intermediate communication between those stockholders and the organization, listening to complaints and needs and defending their interests if necessary.

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