
Marketing-mix Concept: Marketing-mix (or 4 P’s Model) is referent to the definition of the main variables of marketing action and…

Marketing-mix Concept

Marketing-mix (or 4 P’s Model) is referent to the definition of the main variables of marketing action and that traditionally are grouped in four big groups: product policy, price policy, communication policy and distribution policy. These four policy groups are also known as the 4 P’s, initials of the English terms Product, Price, Promotion and Placement.

Despite being grouped in four kinds of distinct actions, there is a high level of interdependence among these policies for that these cannot be established alone. In fact, in spite of existing marketing-mix variables with greater significance to achieve competitive advantages should exist a full integration and coherence among the different policies otherwise it can compromise the desired goals effectiveness.

Beyond the coherence worries among the different marketing-mix variables, this should be drawn not only according and coherent with the markets’ characteristics, but also with the desired positioning and with the development goals and strategies.

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