
Kanban Concept: Kanban is a Japanese expression with its origin in the cards used in Japanese companies to ask for components to other…

Kanban Concept

Kanban is a Japanese expression with its origin in the cards used in Japanese companies to ask for components to other teams of the same production line, and designates a method of mass production, developed by Toyota Motor Company, applied to supplies processes, production and distribution, following the Just-In-Time (JIT) principles.

We can say that Kanban method is a method that determines the productions from the search; in fact, the rhythm of production is determined by the circulation rhythm of Kanban’s, which, on the other end, is determined by the exit rhythm of the products downstream the production flow.

Kanban’s method goals: We can identify as main Kanban’s method goals the following:

  • internally regulate the search variations and the production volume in each section as a way to avoid the transmission and expansion of these variations;
  • minimize finished product stock variations with the aim to reduce stock costs;
  • decentralize the factory’s management, creating conditions in order that direct supervisors play a role of effective management of the production and stocks;
  • produce the requested amounts in the moment in which they are requested.

Kanban’s method application: By its characteristics, the Kanban method can only be applied in repetitive production systems, in which the products are standard and the productions relatively stable, being mandatory that the production process be organized in series.

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