John Adair

John Adair

Born in England in 1934, John Adair was the first British to dedicate himself to the teaching of leadership at the University of Surrey and at the Oxford Centre of Management Studies.

Graduated by Cambridge, wrote over 25 books about leadership and management development. Since 1991 is professor of leadership studies at the University of Exeder, which created the first diploma in the world of leadership degree, in 1997.

His contribution to management can be resumed in three points:

  1. First, demonstrated that the leadership competences are at the reach of any person.
  2. Second, insisted that the management should privilege themes like leadership, decision taking, communication and time management capacity.
  3. Third, created the learning concept centered in the action (ACL Theory – action-centered learning), according to which leadership can be defined in three overlapped circles: tasks, teams and individuals, in which the leaders must act.


  • Effective Leadership, Aldershot: Gower, 1983.
  • Effective Teambuilding, Aldershot: Gower, 1986.
  • Not Bosses But Leaders, Guilford: Talbot Adair Press, 1988.
  • Developing Leaders, Guilford: Talbot Adair Press, 1988.
  • Understanding Motivation, Guilford: Talbot Adair Press, 1990.
  • Effective Leadership Masterclass, Londres: Pan, 1996.
  • Effective Communication, Londres: Pan, 1997.
  • Effective Innovation, Londres: Pan, 1997.
  • The John Adair Management and Leadership Handbook, Londres: Thorogood, 1998.
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