Henri Fayol Management Principles

Henri Fayol, like Taylor, also defined several principles, over which the organizations should operate, from which are highlighted:

  • Tasks specialization principles: represents the work division made in the organization in groups of activities or duties related among them as a way to increase productivity and efficiency.
  • Balance between authority and responsibility principle: means that the power to give orders (official authority) should be combined with intellectual and practical capacities and with the managers’ moral value (personal authority).
  • Discipline principle: represents obedience and respect of all workers for the orders or indications received from the hierarchic superiors and by the rules and regulations established by the organization.
  • Unique or command unit authority principle: means that each subordinate should receive orders and answer before a hierarchic superior.
  • Direction unit principle: means that each group of activities that presents the same goal should have a plan and single leader.
  • Centralization principle: represents the concentration of the authority on the organizations’ hierarchy top.
  • Scale chain or hierarchy principle: means that the orders should descend by all hierarchy levels from the level in which is given until arrives to who performs it, being, consist on an authority line that departs from the hierarchy top until the lower levels.
  • Subordination of individual interests to general interests’ principle: means that the organization general interests should always overlap to the individual interests either of the manufacturers, either of the managers.
  • Personnel remuneration principle: the remuneration given to the employees should be fair and proportional to their efforts.
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