Delphi Method

Delphi Method Concept: Delphi method is a group decision taking method that is characterized by the fact that each group…

Delphi Method Concept

Delphi method is a group decision taking method that is characterized by the fact that each group member presents their ideas but never face to face with the remaining elements (like happens for example in the nominal group or brainstorming method). Each element is this way isolated from the influence of the remaining. Since doesn’t occur the physical presence of the participants in a meeting, this method can be used when the group elements are found geographically far. Presents, however, some inconvenient, among which the bigger time consumption in the decision taking and the benefits loss associated to personal interchange of ideas provided by other methods.

Delphi Method for the decision taking is characterized by the following phases:

  1. Identification of the problem, construction of the questionnaire and presentation of the same by each one of the group elements;
  2. Answer to the questionnaire anonymously and independent by each one of the group elements;
  3. Answers compilation and its distribution by the group members followed by revised questionnaire;
  4. Answer to the new questionnaire the same way described in step 2, this is, anonymously and independent;
  5. Repetition of the third and fourth phases until it’s achieved a consensual solution.
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