Decision Tree

Decision Tree Concept: A decision tree is an instrument of support to the decision taking that consists on a graphic…

Decision Tree Concept

A decision tree is an instrument of support to the decision taking that consists on a graphic representation of the alternatives available produced from an initial decision. One of the big advantages of a decision tree is the possibility of transformation/decomposition of a complex problem into several simpler sub-problems.

In a recursive way, the new identified sub-problems are again decomposed in to even simpler sub-problems.

To perform the graphic representation of the decision tree are usually used lines to identify the decision (for example “yes” or “no”) and us to identify the questions about which ones must be decided. Each one of the branches formed by lines and us ends in a sort of sheet that identifies the most likely consequence of the decisions taken sequence.

Beyond management, the decision trees are also used a lot in other areas, with special emphasis for the creation of computer algorithms.

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