Corporative Image

Corporative Image Concept: Corporative image (in some way coincident with the positioning concept) corresponds to the perception or psychological…

Corporative Image Concept

Corporative image (in some way coincident with the positioning concept) corresponds to the perception or psychological reflex of the corporative identity, this is, to the vision that the audience in general has of the organization. Is, therefore, strongly associated to the visual representation reflected in the perceptions that the different stakeholders build from the different communication and interface elements  with the organization, such as publicity, sales points, public relations, symbols, brands, logos, colors, packages, etc.

Even though it corresponds to an external vision of the organization, corporative image depends essentially from the result of its performance and market relation. A low structured performance can result in images different from the desired, confused images or even distinguished images depending on the target audience. Is fundamental, to give special attention to communication as a way to have some control over the external vision of the organization. For this should be assured a perfect integration between internal communication, marketing communication and institutional communication, that should be in accordance with the strategy and with its mission and values.

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