
Authority concept is related with the hierarchy concept and corresponds to the power of leading the others and taking them to act as desired and (…)

Authority Concept

Authority concept is related with the hierarchy concept and corresponds to the power of leading the others and taking them to act as desired and represents the basis for the responsibility. Is, therefore a power relation that is established from superior to subordinate.

Functional Authority: A related concept is the functional authority, which corresponds to the leading power, coordinate and control subordinates that develop specific tasks inside a determined functional area. This way, is one of the functioning basis of any organization, whether it’s enterprise, associative, religious, politic, military, or other.

Types of Authority: It’s possible to define two different types of authority, namely:

  1. Juridical Authority, duty imposed to the subordinates and that can be divided in formal authority (formally through the organizational structure) and operational authority (defined by the organization’s internal procedures);
  2. Moral Authority emerged naturally from the superior knowledge or know-how of a certain individual, which can be divided in technique authority and personal authority.
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