360º Evaluation

360º Evaluation Concept: 360º Evaluation consist on an important tool of Human Resources Management used for the performance evaluation of the…

360º Evaluation Concept

360º Evaluation consist on an important tool of Human Resources Management used for the performance evaluation of the employees according to the performed activities, the established aims, the results reached and its development potential. The final aim of this evaluation should always be to contribute for the people’s development in the organization. In this way, the final evaluation report should present information that allow to identify the opportunities of improvement and development as well as establish an action plan at the organization’s level, the functional area and the individual.

Generally this evaluation system is structured in a way that the individual be evaluated by his superior, by his pairs, by himself, by his subordinates and sometimes even by external people and entities with whom he deals with regularly (for example by the clients). The evaluation instrument consists on a questionnaire prepared based on the organizational values and culture. After the gathering of the questionnaires and the data compilation, the evaluated should participate on a feedback session, in he acknowledges the evaluation that was given to him. It’s in this moment that is made a comparison between what the individual thinks about himself and what the others think about him, as a way to explore and analyze the differences between self-perception and external perception.

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