Acid Test

The expression Acid Test, also known as quick ratio, is an indicator of liquidity of a very short term that seeks to evaluate the company’s capacity to cope with its short term financial compromises using only their net financial resources, this is, without the need of existences sales or debt receipts from clients and other […]

Active Interest Rate

Active Interest Rate Concept: Active Interest Rate refers to the interest rate charged by the banks for the money lent to their clients. Designates by…

Activity or Operation Ratios

Activity or Operation Ratios Concept Activity or operation ratios form a type of economical-financial indicators that seek to measure the efficiency level in the company’s assets management. Usually activity ratios assume the form of rotation ratios (which represent the number of times that an asset transforms in sales on a certain period of time) or […]

Activity Value Analysis (AVA)

The English expression Activity Value Analysis (AVA) designated a costs control methodology based in a creation of a data base destined to…

Adam Smith

Adam Smith Biography Considered the father of modern economy, Adam Smith was born in Scotland, probably in 1723, having deceased in 1790. His book “The Wealth of Nations”, edited in 1776, was and continues to be a book of reference for all economists. Before this book, in 1759, Adam Smith had already published the book […]

Added Value

Added Value Concept: In economy, the expression added value designates the difference between the value of produced goods and the costs of…


Adhocracy Concept Adhocracy is an expression written by Alvin Tofler and popularized by Robert Waterman with the book «Adhocracy – The Power to Change» and is correspondent to the opposite of bureaucracy: while bureaucracy places the emphasis on the accuracy of routines, Adhocracy places the emphasis on the simplification of processes and the adaptation of […]


Concept of Admeasurement: The Admeasurement is a measurement procedure (metrological) that it takes place the control of measuring instruments…

Agricultural activity

According to the International Accounting Standards, agricultural activity is the management by an entity of the biological transformation of biological assets for sale, into agricultural produce, or into additional biological assets. Agricultural activity covers a diverse range of activities; for example, raising livestock, forestry, annual or perennial cropping, cultivating orchards and plantations, floriculture, and aquaculture […]


AIDA Concept The term AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), designates a tool or a model of communication management highly used in marketing and seeks to describe the mental states through which the consumers go in a process of purchase of products or services. The goal of the model application is to seek for solutions that […]