
Workshop Concept: The expression Workshop designates a kind of encounter or meeting where responsible or representatives of…

Workshop Concept

The expression Workshop designates a kind of encounter or meeting where responsible or representatives of different organizations discuss strategies and measures undertaken that have yielded positive effects kin the corresponding companies. This kind of encounters is divided in two distinct parts: a first part that works as a lecture, in which a certain theme is presented to the participants in a more theoretical way; and a second part in which the participants interact among themselves from the acquired knowledge in the previous phase. By its characteristics, are kinds of encounters much focused for the learning either by the theoretical knowledge supplied in the initial phase, either through the knowledge sharing among the participants, either still through the execution of practical activities about certain selected themes.

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A Knoow é uma enciclopédia colaborativa e em permamente adaptação e melhoria. Se detetou alguma falha em algum dos nossos verbetes, pedimos que nos informe para o mail para que possamos verificar. Ajude-nos a melhorar.