Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing Concept: Viral Marketing (or viral publicity) corresponds to a marketing technique that explores technologies…

Viral Marketing Concept

Viral Marketing (or viral publicity) corresponds to a marketing technique that explores technologies such as mobile phones’ SMS or the Internet’s social networks (such as Hi5, StarTracker, LinkedIn, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc…) to produce exponential knowledge increases of brands, services or products of a certain company. Using theses mechanisms, the message spreads through similar processes as an expansion of a plague or virus, therefore the “viral” designation.

The basic idea of this kind of campaign is to enhance the people’s own curiosity, resulting from there a spontaneous share of these contents by the contacts. Usually the contents are video clips, interactive games, images, wallpapers, ringtones or simply amusing texts, seeking to mask the publicity itself as a way that communication isn’t repelled.

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