Tofler, Alvin

Alvin Tofler Biography: Alvin Tofler is an important author, known as one of the greater futurists in the management area. Beyond the several…

Alvin Tofler Biography

Alvin Tofler is an important author, known as one of the greater futurists in the management area. Beyond the several honorary doctorates, having taught in several universities and having directed the famous magazine “Fortune”, Tofler is also a writer and sociologist. He is a great defender of the minorities, proclaimed the death of Marxism and glorified the new information and communication technologies.

His most known book is “The Third Wave”, published by the first time in 1980. Also a reference for another bestseller entitled “Future Shock”, also with great influence in the economy and management world in the decade of the 80s of the twentieth century.

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