Projects Management

Projects Management Concept: Projects Management can be described as the planning, performance and control process of a…

Projects Management Concept

Projects Management can be described as the planning, performance and control process of a project, from its begin until its conclusion, towards achieving a final goal on a certain deadline, with a certain cost and quality, through the mobilization of materials resources, technological resources, financial resources and human resources. Integrating several knowledge areas, its final goal is to obtain the best result possible of the trinomial cost-deadline-quality.

Briefly, projects managements integrate such different area like project integration management, costs management, quality management, time management, human resources management or communications management (among the members and with the exterior).

Therefore, projects management forma a dynamic cycle that begins in planning, passing to performance and at last to control.

Thus defined, projects management can be applied to construction work, research and development of a new product, reorganization of a company training project, investment project, among several others.

Projects Management Techniques and Tools: There are several techniques used in project planning and control, among which the Gantt Graphics (including chronograms, loads graphics, among others), PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method). On a computer level were also developed several applications of support to the projects management process.

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