Organizational Resources

Organizational Resources Concept: Organizational Resources represent all resources available to the organization and necessary for…

Organizational Resources Concept

Organizational Resources represent all resources available to the organization and necessary for the performance of its activities. In this resource are included:

  • Human resources – represent all people (as well as their qualifications and capacities) that cooperate with the organization and are currently their main asset;
  • Material and technological resources – include all of the equipments and tools used by the organization, the manufacturing and administrative facilities, technologies and processes used in the production and management, among many others:
  • Financial resources – represent the monetary funds held by the organization (or the capacity to obtain them) and that can be used in the financing of the current activity or in the attainment of new investments;
  • Market image and credibility abroad – represents the positioning of the organization and its brands, that is, what the consumers think about the goods or services produced by the organization.
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