New Patterns of Management

Summary of the Book “New Patterns of Management”: “New Patterns of Management” corresponds to the original title of the bestseller…

Summary of the Book “New Patterns of Management”

“New Patterns of Management” corresponds to the original title of the bestseller about leadership, written by Rensis Lokert in 1961. In this book Likert was pioneer in the use of enquires and attitude scales, widely used today in entrepreneurial investigation jobs. Along the book explains how he used his investigation instruments to identify several management patterns, whose originated the famous “Likert’s Four Styles of Leadership”: (1) “explorative and authoritarian” style; (2) “benevolent autocratic” style; (3) “consultative” style; (4) “participative” style.

On Likert’s opinion, participative style is the best option both in business term, as personal since it’s the one who best adapts to an entrepreneurial context more and more turbulent and competitive.

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