
Merchandising Concept

The term from English origin “Merchandising” designates a set of products and services presentation optimization techniques in the sales point. Merchandising’s development is largely due to the appearance of the free-service concept and to the exponential growth of products available in the market. Even though the merchandising techniques begun to be developed by the food distributors, now a days are used by personal services stores, bank services, etc, with the same success.

The purpose of merchandisers is to develop, through this marketing tool, actions of enthusiasm and valuation of the products at the sales point, as a way to influence the consumers’ purchasing decision.

Types of merchandising

The main types of merchandising are the following:

. Seduction merchandising: the main concern is to create an environment and a products exhibition in the sales point that favors the purchase, being however always underlying the need to capitalize the store’s space.

. Merchandising guided to organization and management: the plan is centered above all in the capitalization of the store’s space.

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