MBA Concept

MBA is an English acronym for Master’s Degree in Business Administration and consists in a general education program and post-graduation in management and, usually, post professional experience and has an average length that can vary between 1 and 2 years. Most MBA’s are composed by a frame of mandatory courses and by a set of optional courses. In the mandatory courses group are generally the courses related with accountancy and finances, marketing, strategy, operations, human resources management and organizational behavior. In the optional courses group can be addressed themes such as international commerce, small and medium company’s management, ONG’s management, information technologies, specific activity area, among others.

MBA’s are generally classified in two main types: executive MBA, destined to executives and allow conciliations with the professional activity, and the professional MBA.

Some most relevant MBA’s:

  • London Business School (United Kingdom)
  • Harvard Business School (United States)
  • Insead (France)
  • Iese Business School (Spain)
  • IMD (Switzerland)
  • University of Chicago (United States)
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