Marketing Strategy

The expression Marketing Strategy designates a group of marketing goals and plans, policies and actions developed to (…)

Marketing Strategy Concept

The expression Marketing Strategy designates a group of marketing goals and plans, policies and actions developed to achieve them. Marketing goals are usually related with commercial goals, prominence, image, stakeholders’ satisfaction level, etc. As to the marketing plans, these include the desired positioning near the market, the segmentation and choice of the target threads and the marketing policies definition.

There are several types of classification for marketing strategies. Michael Porter, for example, classifies marketing strategies in 2 generic strategy types: costs leadership and differentiation; to these, adds a third that is the focusing on a market’s niche. Other classifications place the emphasis on innovation, dividing marketing strategy into two main types: pioneer and follower. Others still, place the emphasis in the market’s performance way: leader, challenging or follower.

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