
Kaisen Concept: Kaisen is an expression used to define the Japanese model (or philosophy) of quality management and that means…

Kaisen Concept

Kaisen is an expression used to define the Japanese model (or philosophy) of quality management and that means the continuous improvement of the productive processes by the permanent introduction of small improvements, even cheap and of easy implementation, lead to the cost reduction, quality improvement and/or productivity and efficiency raise. Represents the main principle of Total Quality Management (TQM). According to TQM, even though is lead by the organizations’ top hierarchy, the continuous improvement of the processes can only have success if exists the involvement and cooperation of all members. Kaisens’ base principle is, for this reason, to incentive the employees to, permanently question the organizations’ processes in order to identify areas of potential improvement.

Kaisens’ Applications: Kaisen can be applied to all processes inside an organization among which the layout of the production line, shopping, provisions, quality control processes, manufacturing processes, client service, among many others.

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