
Intranet Concept: The term Intranet, used for the first time in 1995 in an article authored by Stephen Lawton, on…

Intranet Concept

The term Intranet, used for the first time in 1995 in an article authored by Stephen Lawton, on Digital News & Reviews, designates an internal computer network of an organization, created from the Internet technologies and tools, and used for the information circulation among the cooperators and departmental areas of the organization. By using the same technologies and software as the Internet, the organization can have a better resources optimization and with low investment.

On an Intranet network only the internal cooperators have access to the existent information, being blocked the access to people or external entities. From the moment that access is given to entities external of the organization (for example branches or other companies of the same group) the network begins to be designated by Extranet.

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