Information Technologies

Information Technologies Concept: The expression Information Technologies (IT) can be defined as a group of products or services…

Information Technologies Concept

The expression Information Technologies (IT) can be defined as a group of products or services, group of resources, hardware/software (set of equipments and applications: hardware, software systems, communications, tools, artificial intelligence, office systems, design and production support systems, executives support systems, etc) which allow the data gathering, storage, transfer and use.

The IT capacity and the processing speed increase provided a platform for more complex applications in the data base management areas, information distributed processing, intelligent systems and electronic communication. Consequently, IT provides new processes definitions for elimination of time limits, place, or organizational structures or supplying new bases for differentiation. This can only, however, be reached when the processes and IT are carefully aligned with the organizations’ global aims, developed or supported by a cross-functional work team.

The relevance of IT, its alignment and impact in the current organizational systems is the key for the organizations’ strategic positioning, which is justified by the advantages that its use provides to organizations, namely, competitive advantages, productivity improvement and organizational performance, new business development and new ways to manage and organize.

In summary, IT form the physical support that serves as support to the logic systems- the Computer Systems, which should be seen together, designated by CS/IT.

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