Information Systems (IS)

Information Systems (IS) Concept: Information Systems (IS) concept derives from the system concept as human activity, which can involve…

Information Systems (IS) Concept

Information Systems (IS) concept derives from the system concept as human activity, which can involve, or not, the use of computers. IS works, therefore, as support to human actions and decisions and depends from the context in which they are inserted. Thus, an IS can be defined as a group of elements, related among themselves, performing in a certain environment with the purpose to achieve common goals and, with self control capacity. The group of elements has to be analyzed as a whole, being the IS closed or open.

Considering that currently the organizations use technologies to support its systemic activity, considering the IS as a procedures combination, information, people and IS/IT, organized for the reach of en organizations’ goals. These, should be seen inside a systemic context, as subsystems groups related among them, that make possible the information access and management, supported by IS/IT and by the communication systems.

IS can be grouped in strategic IS and competitive IS:

  • Strategic IS are those which directly support the creation and implementation of an organizations’ strategic plan. Namely, IS contribute for the management and decision making process.
  • Competitive IS are those which directly support the strategy performance, through the improvement of the cost/value relation and the organization in its competitive environment.

Namely, in the competitive increase through the use of IT’s for cost reduction or through the products/services’ value increase.

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