Informal Organization

Informal Organization Concept: Informal organization designates a group of relations or interactions that emerge spontaneously among the…

Informal Organization Concept

Informal organization designates a group of relations or interactions that emerge spontaneously among the members are not predicted or formalized by the formal organization. Some examples are the cards groups, hunting or fishing or still the group who normally has lunch together and whose members informally relate among them whether be their hierarchic position inside the organization.

Even though the formal organization features a higher and immediate perception and comprehension level, since it’s this that explains what is done and how is done, informal relations between the organization members assume a fundamental significance since it’s from them that, in a big part, depends the work environment, which, on the other hand, forms one of the most important motivation and workers productivity levels conditions. It´s due to this relevance of the informal relations that more and more the responsible for the organizations focuses on the study of its causes and consequences as well as in the search of proper ways to facilitate and promote them. It’s with that aim that is organized or supported the informal gatherings among the organization members like parties, sports journeys, trips, among others.

The self formal organization has a strong influence either quantitative either qualitative about the informal organization, therefore the organizational structure, as well as the rules, policies and procedures should be defined as a way to facilitate and incentive the informal relations and therefore provide a better work environment and a bigger employees’ motivation.

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