Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management Concept – The human resources management is one of the traditional functions of an organization (…)

Human Resources Management Concept

The human resources management is one of the traditional functions of an organization and its mission is to establish the system that rules the relations among it’s’ employees, to define the best suitability of each one of them to the function that they will perform, and establish the employees integration. For this, the human resources management includes a set of functions and activities that can be summed up in the following:

  • human resources planning;
  • enrollment and selection;
  • human resources integration;
  • analyses and description of functions;
  • performance evaluation;
  • salaries and prizes;
  • professional training and personal development;
  • human resources analyses, control and auditing.


Human Resources Planning:

Human Resources Planning consists in determining what should to be done to achieve the employees needed to the pursuit of organizational goals. For a good Planning is necessary:

  • accurate knowledge of the nature of the organizations’ goals;
  • knowledge of the work market and the internal availabilities;
  • mastery of the planning techniques.


Enrolment and Selection.

Enrollment: corresponds to a set of techniques and methods destined to attract capable candidates to occupy certain positions or develop certain tasks in the organization. Enrollment can be made inside the organization (internal enrollment) or outside the organization (external enrollment).

Selection: Is the step that follows the enrolment and corresponds to the choice of people depending on the organizations’ needs and the peoples’ own expectations. It can be said that he selection corresponds to the comparison between the candidates profile and the request for the role or duty.


Human Resources Integration:

Once the selection of the new employees has been decided, it follows the integration in the company. Each employee receives a certain function and is integrated in a career. For that, is made a presentation of the organization, the facilities and the other employees.


Analyses and Description of Functions:

The analysis of functions consists in the systematic investigation of the tasks, obligations and responsibilities of a function and the knowledge, capacity and experience that a person needs to perform the functions adequately.

The functions’ description is a summary and a true portrait of the tasks, goals and responsibilities of a certain function. In conclusion, the analyses and description of functions seeks to answer the following questions:

  • What does an employee do?
  • How does the employee perform his tasks?
  • Why are the tasks executed?
  • Which capacities are needed?


Performance Evaluation:

After the function exercise for which the employee was selected, becomes necessary the performance evaluation. Performance Evaluation consists in the systematic behavior appreciation of the individual in the occupied function, supported by the objective analyses of his behavior and communication to the same evaluation result.

The evaluations’ activity implies the following steps:

  • Observation of the behavior to be measured;
  • Behavior measurement;
  • Communication of the result as a way to motivate the employee.


Salaries, Prizes and Benefits:

It’s understood by salary the periodic compensation as payment of the work; Prizes are rewards destined to compensate and encourage the employees that show a superior performance than the average and can be individual, as group or organization; benefits are rewards received by all employees by the simple fact of being employees of the company (ex. meals, childcare, trips, company car, …)

  • Salary determination:
  • Function analyses and evaluation;
  • Legal taxes and collective negotiation;
  • Work market.


Hygiene and safety at work:

It’s understood by hygiene at work the set of standards and procedures that seek the protection of physical and mental integrity of the employee. The safety at work is, the set of technical measures destined to prevent accidents.

The elaboration of a hygiene and safety at work plan supposes the diagnostic of the situation and the evaluation of the work in order to define the most adequate measures.


Professional Training and personal Development:

The individual development doesn’t include only the training in the meaning to raise capacities in order to execute a specific task, but the education in a more general meaning, as a way to raise the level of knowledge and ability to respond to the changes in the organizations’ external environment.

The training process implies 4 steps:

  • Diagnostic of the situation (identification and analyses of the needs and conversion of the needs into training goals);
  • Programming (who trains; which contents; which methods to use)
  • Implementation (application of the programs)
  • Evaluation (verification of the changes induced by the training).


Human Resources Control and Auditing:

It’s not enough the performance of the employees’ evaluation in a certain organization to have an exact idea of the human resources overall; becomes necessary also to do an evaluation of macro character, this is, of the organization as a whole. One of the used techniques in the evaluation of the organizations’ condition and spirit is the climate analyses, which is made through surveys that aim to measure the feeling of people referent to regulations, rules and procedures, justice and rewards, companionship and group spirit, the support of superiors, among others.

Human resources auditing is a way to evaluate the employees’ management in the organization and can be made through surveys, interviews and personal statistics.

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