Fourteen Deming Points

The fourteen points created by W. Eduards Deming, form a summary of his message and are today considered by many as the “commandments” of the quality improvement. These points are the following:

  1. Establish a permanent goal about the product and service improvement;
  2. Adopt the new philosophy;
  3. Don’t depend from the inspections to reach quality;
  4. Finish the practice of making business based only on price; instead, minimize the total costs working with only one supplier;
  5. Constantly and continuously improve any planning, production and service process;
  6. Establish on-the-job training;
  7. Adopt and implement leadership;
  8. Move away the fears;
  9. Finish with barriers between departments;
  10. Finish with the slogans, recommendations and goals for employees;
  11. Eliminate the quantitative shares for manpower and the quantitative goals for management;
  12. Withdraw barriers that take pride of being supportive at work, finish with the rewards and classification systems;
  13. Establish a dynamic program of education and self development for everyone;
  14. Place the company’s employees working towards change.
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