
Flowchart Concept: The term flowchart designates a graphic representation of a certain process or work flow, generally…

Flowchart Concept

The term flowchart designates a graphic representation of a certain process or work flow, generally performed with resource to normalized geometric figures and the arrows connecting those geometric figures. Through this graphic representation it’s possible to understand in a fast and easy way the transition of information or documents among the elements that participate in the process at issue.

The flowchart can also be defined like the graphic in which is represented the course or the path taken by a certain element (for example, a certain document), through the several departments of the organization, as well as the treatment that each one will give it. The existence of flowcharts for each one of the processes is fundamental for the simplification and work rationalization, allowing the comprehension and later optimization of the processes developed in each department or area of the organization.

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