Dow-Corning Strategic Mold

Dow-Corning Strategic Mold Concept: Developed by the North American consultant Dow-Corning, this strategic mold has as main…

Dow-Corning Strategic Mold Concept

Developed by the North American consultant Dow-Corning, this strategic mold has as main goal assure the implementation of important strategies for the organization that require coordination of several operational units or SBU. The mold allows generating strategic plans guided for the action and of easy implementation, to perform the organizational resources distribution and encourage the effort and use of the strategic development opportunities.

Instructions for Implementation of Strategic Mold:

  1. Formulation of specific Strategies: the strategies developed by the top management should be specific and defined by writing to be useful for the elaboration of the mold;
  2. Appointment of the Strategy Responsible: for each strategy should be chosen a responsible, who should revise the strategy and work with the top management in order to clear eventual ambiguities or problems; following, each responsible should work on a strategic plan that will serve as base for the strategy implementation, which should include a context historical analysis, specific implementation strategies and tactics, needed organizational resources and costs, and a results forecast;
  3. Managers Meeting: should be present, beyond the responsible designated for each strategy, the managers responsible for each operational unit or SBU; while the responsible for each strategy are responsible for its implementation, the responsible for each operational area are responsible for the resources distribution, such as financial resources, human resources and equipments;
  4. Completion of Strategic Plans: after the meeting, operational managers and strategic responsible should negotiate the plans completion, balancing the resources demands with the correspondent availabilities, completing the tactical plan (including scheduling and budgeting) and establishing new operational goals that will be used to measure performance;
  5. Implementation: the strategic responsible maintain the responsibility for the strategy implementation, working with the operational managers to verify the implementation; the strategic responsible also operate as coordinators among the several operational duties, which creates an organizational structure of the matrix type;
  6. The results should be communicated to the top managers by the strategic responsible on a quarterly basis.
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