
Departmentalization Concept: Departmentalization is a process which consists in grouping departments, duties, or similar activities and logically related of a certain (…)

Departmentalization Concept

Departmentalization is a process which consists in grouping departments, duties, or similar activities and logically related of a certain organization. In a first step is made the division of the work in tasks as way to obtain productivity profits provided from the specialization. It follows the departmentalization with the aim to allow an efficient management.

The division of the work and subsequent regrouping can be made by three different ways, giving origin to different types of organizational structures:

  • Division by hierarchy
  • Division by executed role
  • Division by division (unit/committee, group of clients, group of products or services, project, etc.)

The choice of which criteria to use to perform the division of the work and the departmentalization depend, generally, of the organizations’ goals, external environment characteristics, used technology, employees’ qualifications, the kind of performed tasks, the existence or not of units/committees geographically apart, organizations’ size and pursued strategy.

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