Crawford Free Writing Technique

Crawford Free Writing Technique Concept: Crawford Free Writing Technique is a decision taking method similar to Nominal Group Technique…

Crawford Free Writing Technique Concept

Crawford Free Writing Technique is a decision taking method similar to Nominal Group Technique. Have as goal to obtain problem solving ideas in big groups, or to hear suggestions of departments’ members or of personnel groups by fast generation of creative ideas in big quantity. It can be considered as an easy and quick way to obtain employees opinions about certain problems, without the need of a group discussion. On the other hand, allows creating participation feelings, raising by this the motivation level. The methods’ simplicity, plus the fact that the manager doesn’t have the need to give up his authority in the decision taking, turned this method extremely attractive.

Implementation ways (steps to follow)

  1. The process is started with the distribution of cards (20 to 30) to each group member; the size of the group isn’t relevant;
  2. Follows the reading to the group of the problem’s formal statement in a similar way made in the Nominal Group Technique;
  3. Will then be requested to the group members to write, individually, all ideas that occur to them (one on each card) and that can contribute to solve the problem;
  4. The cards must be collected at the end of 5 to 10 minutes;
  5. At last, the opinions must be classified and analyzed by the manager or by a small group of managers, as a way to find new ideas.
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