Corporative Identity

Corporative Identity Concept: Corporative Identity (or Organizational Identity) corresponds to a group of characteristics, values…

Corporative Identity Concept

Corporative Identity (or Organizational Identity) corresponds to a group of characteristics, values, beliefs with which the organization identifies itself and differs from other organizations existent in the market. Represents, by another words, the organizations’ own personality, this is, its way of being and doing in its global performance, which is (or should be) shared by the majority of its employees.

Thus defined, corporative identity essentially depends of four main factors:

  • Corporative behavior: consist on activities developed by the organization in its relation with the market and with the remaining stakeholders, including policies and commercial relations, institutional communication, among others;
  • Organizational culture: represents the group of values and principles shared and generally accepted by the organization members and that, for this, form important elements of internal integration;
  • Visual identity: consists on a group of symbols and images that seeks to graphically reflect some corporative identity aspects; generally theses visual elements are applied according to a graphic standards manual the establishes the rules for its use;
  • Corporative communication: is referent to the group of communication ways used by the organization in its relation with the different target audiences, whether internal, whether external.
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