Samuelson, Paul A.

Biography of Paul A. Samuelson

Born in 1915 in Massachusetts, United States, Paul Anthony Samuelson was Professor of Economy at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) where in 1947 became University Professor. In 1970 becomes the first North American to be awarded with the Economy Nobel Prize “For the development of the static and dynamic economic theory and for his active contribution to raise the economic science analysis level”. He cooperated in the Newsweek magazine, magazine for which wrote during several years an economic column. He was economic counselor of the presidents samuelsonpaulaJohn F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, academic consultant of the Federal Reserve and the North American Treasury and was frequently requested to give his opinion before the United States Congress. He was also president of the Econometric Society, American Economic Association and of the International Economic Association. He dies in 2009 with 94 years of age.

Contributions for the Economic Science

Considered as a neo-Keynesian generalist, and according to many the founder of the modern economy, stands out for the fact of having been one of the first authors to apply, extensively, the mathematical calculation (especially the thermodynamic) to the economic theory. Some of his main contributions for the economic science were in the area of general balance theory, the consumption phase and the market stability. Samuelson was also the responsible for the nicknaming of the expression “Neoclassic Synthesis”, which unites the Keynesian economy with the classic teachings in only one theoretical body. He also gave important contributions for the microeconomic foundation of the macro-economy, whose in that time were still very distant.

Beyond his important contributions for the development of economy while science, Samuelson also became known as the author of the bestseller “Economics: an Introductory Analysis”, published for the first time in 1948 and sold more than four million copies, having been translated in more than forty languages and used as manual in numerous universities worldwide. A reference for his book “Foundations of Economic Analysis”, published for the first time in 1947 and considered as his true masterpiece, derived from his PhD thesis at the University of Harvard, in which he uses classic thermodynamic for the development of economic models.

Good questions outrank easy answers.
Paul Samuelson

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1953 Visualizações

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